McLaren Plastics was spun out of the family plumbing business in 1960 to manufacture a new type of snap-action plastic pipe clip – the Maclow Clip – developed by George McLaren alongside his wife, Patricia. This is a product range we still sell today and the business is now under the stewardship of the second and third generations of McLarens.
From this initial product the company expanded and started to take on the manufacture of injection moulded plastic products for other customers as well as developing our own product ranges such as Tube End Plugs and Carry Handles.

The range of products we moulded for customers back then encompassed many diverse industries. It included such items as keg caps for beer barrels, bobbins for coffin cord, wig stiffeners and grids for hatching salmon. Over the years the volume and variety of the products increased and the company re-located twice before moving to its current location in Loanhead. The volumes of product and delivery timescales required meant that the company moved to 24/7 manufacture.
Moving to 24/7 production also brought about a continual programme of upgrading our manufacturing facilities and increasing automation. The environmental ethos of the company continues to improve as we try to reduce our impact on the environment. We have addressed this by recycling the vast majority of our production waste in-house and buying in more reprocessed materials. In addition, we have installed a closed circuit water cooling system that uses the water condensate we source from our compressed air system. As we move forward we are committed to using more efficient machinery to minimise wastage and have begun to replace our current hydraulic machines with electric models.
Our reputation is based on our endeavour to offer the best service and value for money we can offer to both present and future customers.
The factory today